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Monday 13 December 2010

Louise Bourgeois#1

Louise Bourgeois was a French renowned American Artist and Sculptor. Her work normally expressed certain themes which were inspired by her Childhood Trauma.

Some themes were: Betrayal, anxiety, loneliness.

Her parents owned a Gallery which consisted of antique tapestries. She previously used to study Mathematics until the death of her mother in 1932 when she decided to pursue her study in Art.

With my Fashion class, we went to Hauser & Wirth in Saville Row to look at Louise Bourgeois’ work.

One of her most famous art pieces is ‘The Crouching Spider’.

‘The Crouching Spider’ was designed in 2003.
-Made of Steel
-Very delicate looking legs-
-Tends to make you feel small
- Very detailed; intricate

Me attempting to draw this masterpiece

‘The Spider is an ode to my mother. She was my best friend. Like a spider, my mother was a weaver. My family was in the business of tapestry restoration, and my mother was in charge of the worship. Like spiders, my mother was very clever. Spiders are friendly presences that eat mosquitoes. We know that mosquitoes spread diseases and are therefore unwanted. So spiders are helpful and protective, just like my mother.’
Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois also designed a bigger version of ‘The Crouching Spider’ and named it the ‘Maman’.

Bullet Hole’ is a black half-open, half-closed steel structure housing which seems to have been made with scraps of wood. It then bears the message: ‘Fear makes the World go Round.’

I do not really understand this art piece but I think her main aim was just to make her audience think. It really did but it also makes you question whether the art piece was a metaphor for the message she placed on it, I thought of being trapped because it is a kind of closed place. I like the uniqueness of this piece at it is made of normal materials and just put together in a smart way.

I absolutely loved Louise Bourgeois’ work. I thought it was one of the most creative and certainly inspirational works I had ever seen. This was by far my favourite part of the trip. From looking at her work, I sensed she probably started with something small and then somehow went from there ending up with something phenomenal!

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