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What can I say? I <3 F A S H I O N.

Tuesday 14 December 2010


This cardigan also known as the 'Kitchen Sink' was designed by Vivienne Westwood. She used loosely woven dishcloth cotton, dyed purple.
She then used three huge burnished metal buttons to complete the look. They are made from 'Vim' scouring powder lids.

'What I'm not trying to do with my clothes is to make a kind of shell that stays in place half an inch away from the body. My clothes are dynamic. They pull and they push and they slightly fall off. There's more to clothes than just comfort. Even if they're not quite comfortable and slip and have to be readjusted now and again I don't mind, because that's some sort of display and gesture that belongs with the clothes'

I believe she portrayed this opinion very effectively through the use of an everyday domestic product.
The dyed purple I think looks very exquisite contrasted with the yellow cotton thread used to attach the buttons. She fabricated two colours which are both rather garish-choosing the right shades of them as well.The garment has a very rough look to it and gives off a very whimsical effect. The buttons also demonstrate a very clever approach; that you can more or less use absolutely anything to make buttons out of.

Woven cotton cardigan with
'distressed' metal buttons. (7.5 cm in diameter)
Vivienne Westwod. English, c.1982
Label:Worlds End McLaren Westwood
Born in England

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